Email Addresses

Magnus Box has some built-in features to send email reports to customers. You can configure any number of email addresses for a user account.

Email addresses can be configured via the Magnus Box Server and via the Magnus Box Backup client. An administrator can set an account policy to control whether users are allowed to modify their own email addresses.

Custom email reports 

The default backup report is an immediate email as soon as any backup job finishes.

As of Magnus Box 18.9.3, Magnus Box supports customizing the email reports received by customers.

Reports can be filtered to choose what jobs will be considered for the report. You can filter on a large number of criteria including but not limited to the job's type classification, status, start time, duration, Protected Item, and Storage Vault. For advanced queries, the search system supports boolean logic (AND/OR) and arbitrary-depth clause grouping.

You can send multiple reports for a single email address. This allows you to combine multiple report criteria.

For report templates allowing custom schedules, you can use any schedule supported by Magnus Box's normal backup scheduler. Scheduled times are relative to each customer's configured local timezone.


Send jobs only on failure

Report 1
Type: "Immediate job notification"
Filter: "Status" "not equal" "Success"

Send reports for different Protected Items to different email addresses

Email address 1

Report 1
Type "Immediate job notification"
Filter: "Protected Item ID" "equal" "{one Protected Item}"

Email address 2

Report 1
Type "Immediate job notification"
Filter: "Protected Item ID" "equal" "{another Protected Item}"

Send only a daily summary of jobs

Report 1
Type: "Summary table"
Schedule: Daily at 07:00
Filter: "Time since job start" "less or equal" "24 hours"

Send only a weekly summary of jobs, but, also send immediate notifications on failure

Report 1
Type: "Immediate job notification"
Filter: "Status" "not equal" "Success"

Report 2
Type: "Summary table"Schedule: Weekly on Friday at 12:00
Filter: "Time since job start" "less or equal" "7 days"

If you would like to set up the new Recent activity report, please get in touch with our support team at 

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