Error "Access is denied" when backing up files and folders on Windows

An "Access Denied" error message means that the Windows user account running the backup job does not have access to read the file content.

Current versions of Magnus Box automatically create a service account with all necessary permissions to read local files. If you are experiencing "Access Denied" errors, you may be trying to back up a network path that has been mounted as a directory. Please see the Accessing Windows network shares and UNC paths article for more information. If you are experiencing "Access Denied" errors and you are certain that you are not backing up a mounted network path, please contact support. You may also be trying to backup a local Protected Item to which the backup software does not have read access, such as a file within a user's home directory. In this case, you will need to alter the backup delegate service and change it to 'logon as' an account that does have access to the Protected Item.

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