Jobs left in Running state, Cancel a running job
Magnus Box is responsible for closing-off a job log with the Magnus Box Server. If the PC is shut down unexpectedly, a job would be left in "Running" state indefinitely.
The old, inactive "Running" jobs will be cleaned up automatically if Magnus Box sees an opportunity to prove that they are no longer running.
As of Magnus Box 19.5.0, the following actions will clean up old, inactive "Running" jobs:
- Run a retention pass
- For safety reasons, a retention pass requires Magnus Box to temporarily take exclusive control over a Storage Vault. Magnus Box makes a number of checks to verify this exclusivity, but the practical benefit is that when a retention pass runs, all past backup jobs must no longer be running by definition.
- Run a new backup job on the same device
- Magnus Box can compare lockfiles in the Storage Vault with the running process IDs in Task Manager. If a lockfile was created by a process that is no longer running, that job must have stopped.
- Run a software update
- If a software update job completes successfully including a changed version number, the software update process must have terminated all prior jobs. All past backup jobs on this device are no longer running
A future version of Magnus Box may automatically clean up Running jobs in additional situations.