Windows client fails to show as new device in user-profile 'Devices' tab

  • Problem: Windows client does not show at all on user profile Devices tab
  • Causes:
    1. The software is not running on the device, or
    2. The software is not able to communicate with the Magnus Box server
  1. The software is not running on the device
    • Check that the software widget is running in the system tray
    • If running, check that the client has been logged in and registered with the user-profile username and password
    • If not running, start the software from the 'Start' menu.
    • If still not running, consider reinstallation, or contact Support
  2. The software is not able to communicate with the Magnus Box server
    • Check that the software can communicate: Simulate a login via the following terminal command from the Windows device running the client software, substituting appropriately for 'username', 'password', 'yourURL':
      curl -v -X POST --data-urlencode "Username=<username>" --data-urlencode "AuthType=Password" --data-urlencode "Password=<password>" <yourURL>/api/v1/user/web/session/start

      **Note: Requires Windows 1809 onwards, or that you install Curl:

    • A successful output similar to the following will verify that the API is accessible from the device:
      {"SessionKey":"abc1fd20-7177-12362-88ba-863efgfe07b0","SessionType":"user","Status":200,"Message":"Logged in OK."} Connection #0 to host <yourURL> left intact
    • Any failure may point to the cause (eg incorrect password, network issue).
    • Check network connectivity
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