Windows client only shows as 'Offline' in user-profile 'Devices' tab

  • Problem: Client software has been installed and has contacted the Magnus Box server at least once, registering as a new device in the user-profile Devices tab, but now only shows as 'offline'.
  • Causes:
    1. The software is not running, or
    2. The software is not able to communicate with the Magnus Box server
  1. The software is not running on the device
    • Check that the software widget is running in the system tray
    • If not running, start the software from the 'Start' menu.
    • If it won't run, consider reinstallation.
    • Check whether the local antivirus program is interfering.
  2. The software is not able to communicate with the Magnus Box server
    • Check that the software can communicate: Simulate a login via the following terminal command from the Windows device running the client software, substituting appropriately for 'username', 'password', 'yourURL':
      curl -v -X POST --data-urlencode "Username=<username>" --data-urlencode "AuthType=Password" --data-urlencode "Password=<password>" <yourURL>/api/v1/user/web/session/start

      **Note: Requires Windows 1809 onwards, or that you install Curl: For older systems, the following command can be run (replacing the same variables as above):

    Invoke-Webrequest -Uri https://<yourURL>/api/v1/user/web/get-user-profile-and-hash -Method POST -Body @{Username="<username>"; AuthType="Password"; Password="<password>"} -UseBasicParsing
    • A successful output similar to the following will verify that the API is accessible from the device:
      {"SessionKey":"abc1fd20-7177-12362-88ba-863efgfe07b0","SessionType":"user","Status":200,"Message":"Logged in OK."} Connection #0 to host <yourURL> left intact
    • Any failure may point to the cause (eg incorrect password, network issue).
    • Check network connectivity
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